
W020200217576447096443.gif 0.18um AB s-BCD G1 (7V-24V)


W020200217576447113663.gif  Overview
         CSMC offers 0.18um Analog BCD(Non-EPI)process with cost effective mask layer and competitive device performance, Suited for DC-DC converters, PMICs and LED lighting driver / backlight circuit applications.


W020200217576447113663.gif Key Features
- Non-EPI process,cost effective mask layer,competitive Rdson and BVdss performance
- Foundry compatible 5V CMOS,NLDMOS & PLDMOS up to 24V
- Complementary Drain Extended CMOS (DECMOS) up to 40V operation
- Rich options included parasitic Zener/JFET/Schottky
- MIM Capacitor, High-Sheet Poly Resistor, E -fuse available
- PDK and industry standard CAD tools are supported
- Supporting Thick metal layer &Small pad opening for RDL


W020200217576447113663.gif Application
-DC-DC Convertor
-LED lighting driver
-Backlight circuit applications


W020200217576447096443.gif 0.18μm DB BCD G2S (7V-80V)


W020200217576447113663.gif Overview
        CSMC offers competitive 0.18μm BCD PMIC design solutions with multiple voltage (7-80V) options and low Rdson & high reliability LDMOS. Rich parasitic and ESD devices were provided to support flexible design.


W020200217576447113663.gif  Key Features
- Low Voltage 1.8V/5V CMOS
- High Voltage 7V-80V
- Switch and analog nLDMOS (7-80V), Full isolated nLDMOS (7-40V)
- Low Rdson pLDMOS (9-50V)
- Rich options: Zener &BJT&SBD
- 1.8V&5V standard cell library
- 5V FT e-Fuse
- 5V MTP


W020200217576447113663.gif Application
- Motor Driver
- AC-DC/DC-DC Convertor


W020200217576447096443.gif  0.18μm DB BCD G2S (80V-120V)


W020200217576447113663.gif Overview
        CSMC offers competitive 0.18μm BCD PMIC design solutions with multiple voltage (80-120V) DEMOS and low Rdson & high reliability LDMOS. Rich parasitic and ESD devices were provided to support flexible design.


W020200217576447113663.gif Key Features
- Low Voltage 5V CMOS
- High Voltage 80V-120V DEMOS & 100V LDNMOS
- 15V Fully ISO DE NMOS
- Rich options: Zener &BJT&JFET
- 5V standard cell library
- 5V FT e-Fuse


W020200217576447113663.gif Application
- AC-DC Convertor


W020200217576447096443.gif 0.18μm DB BCD G3 (7V-40V)


W020200217576447113663.gif Overview
         CSMC offers competitive 0.18μm BCD PMIC design solutions with cost effective mask layer and multiple voltage (7-40V) HV device options. Rich parasitic and ESD devices were provided to support flexible design.


W020200217576447113663.gif Key Features
- Low Voltage 5V CMOS
- High Voltage 23V/35V/45V DE-CMOS
- Switch and analog NLDMOS (7-40V), full isolated NLDMOS (7-24V)
- Low Rdson PLDMOS (7-40V)
- Rich options: Zener &BJT&SBD
- 5V standard cell library
- 5V e-Fuse/FT e-Fuse
- 5V MTP (psub-iso)


W020200217576447113663.gif Application
- Motor Driver
- AC-DC/DC-DC Convertor

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