
W020200217576447096443.gif 0.25μm s-BCD G2 (12V-60V)


CSMC offers 0.25μm s-BCD G2 (12V-60V) process with cost effective mask layer and competitive device performance, and provides unique thick gate oxide HV devices. Suited for Motor Driver,AC-DC/DC-DC converters, PMICs applications.

 Key Features - Low Voltage 5V CMOS (Max OP: 6V)
- High Voltage 12~24V/30V~60V scalable
- Switch and analog NLDMOS (Thin & Thick), Full isolated NLDMOS (12-24V)
- Rich options Low Rdson PLDMOS (12-24V), Zener &JFET&BJT
- 5V standard cell library Analog PDK
- 5V e-OTP, 5V e-Fuse/FT e-Fuse

- Motor Driver
- AC-DC/DC-DC Convertor

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